Female Reproductive Health Tips

There are several female reproductive health tips that are essential to keep in mind throughout your life. These include avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and trans fats, limiting your physical activity, and avoiding processed foods. In addition, women of all ages should visit their gynecologists once a year. By following these tips, you can help prevent cervical and uterus cancer.

Avoiding alcohol

CDC guidelines advise women to abstain from alcohol consumption during pregnancy. It is important to keep in mind that alcohol can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, a condition in which a woman’s unborn child develops mental retardation. Unlike some genetic abnormalities, fetal alcohol syndrome is 100 percent preventable. It only affects one or two infants in every thousand live births.

Limiting physical activity

Limiting physical activity is an important aspect of good female reproductive health. There are a number of health benefits and risks of physical activity. The results of … Read More