5 Supplements to Take During a Workout


Glutamine is an amino acid found in the bloodstream. It is used by muscles for repair and growth. It helps regulate glucose and glycogen in the body, essential for recovery and muscle building. Glutamine is also a key building block of proteins.

Taking a glutamine supplement during your workout could increase your performance and prevent muscle damage.

Glutamine is best taken during and immediately after your workout. It helps your body repair damaged muscle tissue and prevents muscle breakdown. Glutamine also helps you recover faster after your workout. It also helps you build and maintain lean muscle mass.


When exercising, it is important to eat carbohydrate-rich foods to maximize your performance. While it is not recommended to consume huge amounts of carbohydrates, studies have found that a small amount is enough to see benefits. In one study, endurance athletes were given carbohydrates during an exercise session for up … Read More